Urban heat islands : Global variation and determinants in hot desert and hot semi-arid desert cities

Ronald R. Rindfuss,Soe Myint,Anthony Brazel, Chao Fan,Baojuan Zheng


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The urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon affects local, as well as regional and global climates, yet most of what is known about UHI comes from local case studies using methodologies that vary considerably from case to case. We present the first global examination of UHI for hot desert and hot semi-arid desert cities using data and methodology consistent across 159 cities. By using a global approach it is apparent that desert cities cluster at the edges of climate zones. As suggested in the case-study literature, the majority, but not all, desert cities have negative UHI during the daytime, but positive at night. Vegetation in the cities, compared to bare ground in the rural buffer is an important contributor to the negative daytime UHI. But there are a variety of other biophysical factors including nearness to an ocean, the Humboldt current, elevation, and the Indian monsoon, that are important. Even after all the biophysical factors are controlled, development, whether measured by GDP, energy consumed or electricity consumed, reduces the size of the oasis UHI effect, confirming that anthropogenic effects go beyond planting and irrigating vegetation.
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