Pm10, pm2.5 and pm1.0 indoor and outdoor concentrations and chemical composition in school environment stê ̄enia oraz sk£ad chemiczny py£u pm1.0, pm2.5 oraz pm10 w powietrzu wewnêtrznym i zewnêtrznym szko£y


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Simultaneous daily indoor and outdoor measurements of PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 have been conducted during winter season of 2009/2010 in the secondary school in Wroclaw, Poland. Aerosol samples were analysed for mass concentrations and elemental composition. The factor analysis was applied to identify possible emission sources of the PM1.0 fraction. Mean daily PM10 concentrations was 81 mg/m indoors and 54 mg/m outdoors. The corresponding means for PM2.5 and PM1.0 were 62 and 22 mg/m indoors and 46 and 24 mg/m outdoors. There were reported 90 % of days with daily mean exceeding the WHO AQG for PM2.5 – 25 mg/m. In many cases the I/O ratio was higher than 1.0, what means that there are some particles sources inside the school building, particularly for the fractions PM10 and PM2.5. The most abundant elements in the PM1.0 fraction were S, Cl and K. Zn and Pb were the dominant heavy metals. Combustion processes contributed to high concentrations of K, S, As, Cl and vehicular emission to Cu, Pb and Zn.
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