Design Thinking as an approach to develop sustainable physical activity and nutrition interventions in low re-sourced settings

Chrisna Botha-Ravyse, Susan Crichton,Sarah J Moss, Susanna Magrietha Hanekom

EasyChair Preprints(2018)

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The objective of the study is to describe how design thinking as a participatory process can be applied in determining how sustainable physical activity and nutri-tion interventions should be implemented in a low resourced community in South Africa. Physical inactivity is the 4th leading cause of mortality world-wide. Asso-ciated with inactivity, a high prevalence of obesity is reported. Evidence based re-search indicate that sustainable physical activity and nutrition interventions will reduce the burden of physical inactivity and obesity. Poverty, and its inherent lack of food security, further impacts the health of people living marginalized, increas-ingly urban lifestyles. The intent of the project is to change attitudes and behavior towards physical activity participation and nutrition choices. Design thinking is typically implemented using a five-step process where the community is engaged with presenting the problem they experience, defining the problem, presenting so-lutions to the problem and finally developing a prototype in solving the problem they experience. The principle of the DT process is that the low resourced com-munity holds part of the answer to the problem and has a desire to change their health. The proposed solutions, coming directly from the participants, are there-fore considered viable. Once a desired prototype is developed and tested in the community, feasibility can be determined. The presence of these three factors, is expected to result in an innovation.
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