A semantic dependency-graph-based approach combining platforms hosting data and applications Enhancing creative synergistic publishing and organizing scientific competitions on the web

Sayoko Shimoyama, Robert Sidney Cox, David Gifford, Tetsuro Toyoda


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Linked open data increases availability of original scientific and other data. Modifiable or ‘forkable’ open-source programs hosted on shared platforms make applications utilizing these data ready for reuse. However, data resources and applications are often hidden from each other and external reuse by separation of publication and access to data repositories. We constructed the LinkData.org platform to automate publishing together of linked open data, applications, and introduce the ‘dependency graph’ illustrating relationships between data, applications and users. Dependency graphs allow transparent evaluation of data and application integration. Data and dependency graphs are accessible with open semantic APIs. Because dependency graphs combine both data and applications published on the platform, users easily create new applications for data and publish new data resources for use with applications. This yields a creative synergy cycle between data publication and application development, as shown applied to a scientific competition for design of synthetic regulatory DNA.
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