Running Head : P 2 Y 4 regulates formation of cardiac adipose tissue Mouse P 2 Y 4 nucleotide receptor is a negative regulator of cardiac adipose-derived stem cell differentiation and cardiac fat formation


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T h is p ap er h as b ee n p ee rre v ie w ed a n d a cc ep te d f o r p u b li ca ti o n , b u t h as y et t o u n d er g o c o p y ed it in g a n d p ro o f co rr ec ti o n . T h e fi n al p u b li sh ed v er si o n m ay d if fe r fr o m t h is p ro o f. Running Head: P2Y4 regulates formation of cardiac adipose tissue Mouse P2Y4 nucleotide receptor is a negative regulator of cardiac adipose-derived stem cell differentiation and cardiac fat formation Anne Lemaire 1* , Marion Vanorlé 1* , Michael Horckmans 1 , Larissa di Pietrantonio 1 , Sophie Clouet 1 , Bernard Robaye 2 , Jean-Marie Boeynaems 1,3 , Didier Communi 1
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