Effect of selected feeds , feeding frequency and density on growth and survival on mud Eel Monopters cuchia ( Hamilton 1822 ) Larvae


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The aim of the investigation was to determine the effect of different food on growth and survival of Monopterus cuchia larvae. Two experiments (Four types of feed as treatment were used for both study, three replications of each) was conducted for 21 days to assess the effect of different food (Zooplankton, Earthworm Pest, Small Fish Pest and Nursery Feed), feeding frequency and density on growth and survival of M. cuchia larvae in Tray condition. Once (Experiment 1) feeding frequency was two times daily and stocking density was 2 Larvae/litre (180 Larvae /tray) and another (Experiment 2) one feeding frequency was three times daily and stocking density was 1 Larvae/litre (90 Larvae /tray) of M. cuchia larvae. Experiment-2 showed significantly the best growth performance considering the feeding frequency and stocking density. The survival rate of M. cuchia larvae was also significantly influenced by feeding frequency and stocking density. Water quality parameters were more or less the same in both densities.
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