Guest Editorial

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)(2019)

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While we commend our government's efforts in considering the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities and to some extent, other marginalised groups, of great concern however, is the government's lack of an inclusive response in addressing the social determinants of health (e g poverty, gender-based violence (GBV), homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, etc ) and the concomitant social inequalities, that will continue to have a significant impact on the long term outcomes post COVID-19 2 [ ]rehabilitation, without addressing the social determinants of health and the concomitant social inequalities simply cannot and will not be enough [ ]the inclusion of 'voices from the margins', must be a priority, for any inclusive, person-centred approach to this pandemic 'VOICES FROM THE MARGINS': PERSONS WITH MENTAL HEALTH CONCERNS COVID-19 is having an adverse impact on persons with pre-existing mental health conditions who may be at increased risk of infection, due to poor insight or difficulties in understanding and adhering to frequent handwashing and physical distancing [ ]research also suggests that many patients with COVID-19 in the acute or ICU phase display various mental health challenges, such as insomnia, impaired attention or concentration, anxiety, impaired memory, confusion, and depression5 While we commend our government's efforts in considering the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities and to some extent, other marginalised groups, of great concern however, is the government's lack of an inclusive response in addressing the social determinants of health (e g poverty, gender-based violence (GBV), homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, etc ) and the concomitant social inequalities, that will continue to have a significant impact on the long term outcomes post COVID-19 2
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