Development and Validation of Deep Learning-based Automatic Detection Algorithm for Malignant Pulmonary Nodules on Chest Radiographs Radiology


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Happy New Year to everyone. This is the second installment of the January 2019 issue. Lots of new research from the January issue to review. Just a brief introduction. Our top 5 articles in the news media from last year. At the #5 position: From the May issue: “What Patients Want to Know about Imaging Examinations: A Multi-institutional U.S. Survey in Adult and Pediatric Teaching Hospitals on Patient Preference for Receiving Information before Radiologic Examinations.” Main results: 20% of patients do not receive any information about their imaging exams. Patients want more information on radiation exposure. Patients’ number one need is information related to preparation for their imaging test. #4: From the March issue: “Effects of Career Duration, Concussion History, and Playing Position on White Matter Microstructure and Functional Neural Recruitment in Former College and Professional Football Athletes.” Main results: MRI was used to find brain changes in white matter in the absence of clinical impairment. #3 From June: “Radiomics Based Adapted Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Clarifies Majority of Suspicious Mammographic Findings.” Main result: Diffusion kurtosis data derived from MRI of the breast reduced unnecessary breast biopsies. #2 from March: “High-Risk Breast Lesions: A Machine Learning Model to Predict Pathologic Upgrade and Reduce Unnecessary Surgical Excision.” One of the first major studies that used machine learning to comprehensively combine the electronic medical record with an imaging test to improve outcome. Intelligent combination of the electronic health record and medical imaging would reduce excess surgeries for breast lesions by 30%. #1 The top attention getting article, more than twice as much attention as any other article. From November 2018: “MRI-defined White Matter Microstructural Alteration Associated with Soccer Heading Is More Extensive in Women than Men.” You may recall my podcast on this, Men and women were compared: individuals performed up to 1000 soccer headings per year. Changes in the white matter of women were more extensive than those of men who played soccer. Next: our research articles for January.
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