Cargo inspection system based on pulsed fast neutron analysis

Douglas R. Brown,Allison Coates,Stelly N. Kuo,R. Loveman, Ed A. Pentaleri,Joel C. Rynes

Defense + Security Symposium(1997)

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The pulsed fast neutron analysis (PFNA) cargo inspection system (CIS) uses a nanosecond pulsed beam of fast neutrons to interrogate the contents of small volume elements -- voxels -- of a cargo container or truck. A color display shows the three-dimensional location of suspected contraband, such as drugs or explosives. The neutrons interact with the elemental contents of each vowel, and gamma rays characteristic of the elements are collected in an array of detectors. The elemental signals and their ratios give unique signatures for drugs and other contraband. From the time of arrival of the gamma rays, the position of the vowel within the truck is determined. The PFNA CIS is designed to scan five or more trucks per hour. The operator interface has been designed to assist in the rapid identification of drugs, explosives or other contraband. This paper describes the system and the tests for drugs and explosives that have been carried out during the past year. These tests were aimed at exploring the envelope of performance of the system.
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