Measuring drug where it matters : the importance of micro-pharmacokinetics on observed receptor pharmacology


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While science and technology are now more innovative and successful than ever, their translation into novel treatments and therapeutics to address key health problems remains a challenge. Recognizing that to close the industry/academia divide, we created the SPARK At Stanford program, in which scientists from both sides work more closely together. SPARK, created twelve years ago, is a partnership between Stanford University and volunteers from the local biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and health care investment industries. SPARK’s mission is three-fold: first, to help academic investigators overcome the obstacles intrinsic to moving research discoveries from bench to bedside; second, to educate faculty and trainees about the translational research process so that development of promising new discoveries becomes second nature, and so that trainees are better prepared for potential industry careers; and third, to promote efficient, cost-effective, and innovative approaches to discovery and development. So far, ~60% of the >100 projects have been licensed to companies and/or entered clinical trials. Through weekly meetings, SPARK’s activities conducted on campus, provide a rich learning experience that is open to faculty, staff, students, and postdoctoral fellows; this ensures that the know-how remains here and that the out-of-the-box and risk-taking attitude of academia is maintained, while industry’s real-life experience is implemented. SPARK has been ‘exported’ to other academic institutions and we have now formed a Global SPARK community to promote translational research in over three dozen academic institutions on five continents.
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