Nursing students ́ perceptions of peer learning through cross-cultural student-led webinars : A Qualitative Study Running title : Perceptions of peer-learning


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Aims: To explore nursing students’ perception of peer learning during cross-cultural learning activities through student-led webinars Design: An exploratory qualitative study. Methods: Thematic analysis of data collected from reflective journals and focus-group interviews of participating nursing students across three international universities in Australia, Hong Kong and Sweden during autumn 2017. Results: Three themes were identified: Peer Learning as creation of friendship; Peer learning from interactions that went beyond what was originally intended; and Peer learning as empowered learning. A cc ep te d A rt ic le This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Conclusion: Combining peer learning as an educational approach with cross-cultural and student-led webinars provided new perspectives. On-line learning across global boundaries, based on a sound educational model, creates new opportunities for internationalization without straining individual and institutional financial resources. What problem did the study address?  There is limited evidence exploring how peer learning is used outside homogenous groups in clinical settings.  Cross-cultural experience that supports students’ development of cultural awareness during undergraduate nursing education are often limited by logistics and financial constraints. What were the main findings?  Peer learning creates a sense of belongingness between nursing students across cultural contexts  Student-led webinars are beneficial for cross-cultural learning experiences Where and on whom will the research have impact?  The findings can assist academics who develop and implement cross-cultural experiences in nursing curricula.  It is important that nursing students understand the benefits of student-led activities as a means to further learning.  Future studies should evaluate effects of on-line learning in cross-cultural peer groups on students ‘cultural awareness. A cc ep te d A rt ic le This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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