On Quantum-Holographic Bases of Psychophysiological Development of a Child

M. Sovilj, Lj. Jeličić,T. Adamović


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Our previously developed quantum-holographic framework of integrative medicine and transpersonal psychology seems to provide theoretically fundamental understanding of the nature of psychosomatic diseases as well as limitations of their prevention and healing methods, by imposing new healing boundary conditions in the energy-state space of electromagnetic (EM) quantum-field-related acupuncture system / (individual and collective) consciousness – suggesting that there are three front lines of psychosomatic medicine: (i) spirituality and circular (psycho / energy) therapies from all relevant meta-positions, with the possibility of a potential permanent removal of mutual memory attractors on the level of collective consciousness, (ii) (quantum) holistic medicine and non-circular (psycho / energy) therapies, which temporarily remove the memory attractors on the level of the acupuncture system / individual consciousness and prevent or alleviate their somatization, as a result of negligence on the first level, (iii) symptomatic conventional medicine, which via immunology, pharmacology, biomedical diagnostics and surgery at the physical level prevents or alleviates somatic consequences of carelessness on the first two levels. It should be noted that the necessary activities in the second and third levels, with neglect of the first level, would result in further transfer of memory attractors on the level of individual and collective consciousness in this and future generations – thus suggesting necessity to focus on origins of many problems in psychophysiological development of a child on underlying prenatal trans-generational levels (as suggested by experiences of clients in post-hypnotic regressions as well). Everything considered above might also be of fundamental importance in understanding underlying macroscopic quantum-informational Hopfield-like holographic acupuncture system / (individual and collective) consciousness EM field-related biofeedback control mechanisms of embryogenesis / ontogenesis and morphogenesis via downward influence on the expression of genes – shedding new light on the long standing open problems of the acupuncture system and consciousness as well. Key-words: psychophysiological development of a child, integrative medicine and transpersonal psychology, quantum-holographic framework, acupuncture-based and consciousness-based approaches and techniques.
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