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Guangliang Fu, Hai Xiang Lin, Arnold Heemink,Sha Lu, Arjo Segers, Nils van Velzen,Tongchao Lu, Shiming Xu


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In this study, we investigate a strategy to accelerate the data assimilation (DA) algorithm. Based on evaluations of the computational time, the analysis step of the assimilation turns out to be the most expensive part. After a study on the characteristics of the ensemble ash state, we propose a mask-state algorithm which records the sparsity information of the full ensemble state matrix and transforms the full matrix into a relatively small one. This will reduce the computational cost in the analysis step. Experimental results show the mask-state algorithm significantly speeds up the analysis step. Subsequently, the 5 total amount of computing time for volcanic ash DA is reduced to an acceptable level. The mask-state algorithm is generic and thus can be embedded in any ensemble-based DA framework. Moreover, ensemble-based DA with the mask-state algorithm is promising and flexible, because it implements exactly the standard DA without any approximation and it realizes the satisfying performance without any change of the full model.
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