Vehicle Remote Control System Based on RF Using ARM 7 ( LPC 2148 )


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This paper presents the remote-controlled vehicle using RF, implementation of smart logic and control system based on embedded systems using a microcontroller, the vehicle is controlled by the RF based remote control, in which user interface is developed to give instructions to vehicle for movements. Few instructions are added to enable or disable the functionality on robot side. Vehicle consists of obstacle sensor, temperature sensor & light sensor, vehicle moves with the help of a s y n c h r o n o u s Hbridge, the vehicle is interfaced with the intellectual device called microcontroller. Microcontroller controls the movement of the robot by decoding the signals received from the RF based remote controller, and performs the programmed tasks as per received signal. In this project, we implemented a password authentication so that the vehicle can’t be used by wrong persons for wrong purposes. Based on the commands given by user at the RF remote side vehicle takes it direction, in its path if it finds any obstacle or if temperature exceed the range 85 to 110 degrees centigrade or if any light falls on its path the vehicle gives alert to user, so that the user can controls the vehicle successfully. This RF based vehicle is used for military security purpose such as spy robot, in industrial security.
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