Negotiating development through planning agreement : mechanism to promote voluntary compliance of green technology and sustainable development indicators


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Construction industry is moving towards adopting sustainable construction practices based on green practices. Sustainable construction practices does not only refer to the materials used but covers the innovation in design to reduce wastage and harmonise with the natural environment. This is to ensure that the negative impact from the construction industry will be eliminated. Green Building Index is the foundation of sustainable construction practices. However, to date, there is no specific law making it compulsory for the developer to comply with green building standards. Only certain developers chose to adopt the green building technology and design in the housing construction. However, the local planning authority has the power to impose conditions and approve development which adhered to the rules and regulations pertaining to sustainable construction. This paper analyses the practice of negotiating development through planning agreement in ensuring that the proposed development should be in line with the objective of sustainable development. The practice of finalising the negotiation between the developer and the local planning authority through planning agreement is an alternatives mechanism from planning conditions.
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