Changes in caries risk profile following the use of xylitol chewing gums – An interventional study

International journal of scientific research(2021)

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Aim: The study aims to evaluate the changes in caries risk profile after the use of Xylitol chewing gums. Materials and Method: Xylitol chewing gums were distributed to ten healthy individuals between the age group of 18 to 25years to be used thrice daily for a period of 14 days. A structured questionnaire was designed to procure demographic details, medical and diet history and fluoride exposure from each subject. Unstimulated salivary samples were collected to assess the salivary flow rate, buffering capacity and S.mutans levels. Decay, Missing, Filling Surface index and Silness and Loe index were used to record caries experience and plaque amounts. From the obtained data two cariograms were constructed for each individual before and after the intervention. The change in the percentage of the different sectors of the cariogram were tabulated and interpreted. Result: A substantial increase in the percentage of green sector was seen in all the subjects after 14 days use of Xylitol. A decrease in the percentage of red sector followed by light blue sector was also observed in all the subjects at the end of 14 days. Conclusion: Caries risk profiles of individuals improve greatly following the use of Xylitol chewing gums. Xylitol is an effective caries preventive agent that can improve the chance to avoid new cavities for an individual. Keywords: Dental Caries, Cariogram, Prevention, Risk assessment
caries risk profile,xylitol,gums
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