Trusted Declassification : Policy Infrastructure for a Security-Typed Language


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Security-typed languages are a powerful tools for developing verifiably secure software applications. Programs written in these languages enforce a strong, global policy of noninterference which ensures that high-security data will not be observable on low-security channels. Because noninterference is typically too strong a property, most programs use some form of declassification to selectively leak high security information, e.g. when performing a password check or data encryption. Unfortunately, such a declassification is often expressed as an operation within a given program, rather than as part of a global policy, making reasoning about the security implications of a policy difficult. In this paper, we propose a simple idea we call trusted declassification in which special declassifier functions are specified as part of the global policy. In particular, individual principals declaratively specify which declassifiers they trust so all information flows implied by the policy can be reasoned about in absence of a particular program. We formalize our approach for a Javalike language and prove a modified form of noninterference which we call noninterference modulo trusted methods. We have implemented our approach as an extension to Jif, a security-typed variant of Java, and provide our experience using it to build a secure email client, JPmail.
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