Diagnostic accuracy of a host response point-of-care test for identifying COVID-19


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Rationale Management of the COVID-19 pandemic is hampered by long delays associated with centralised laboratory PCR testing. In hospitals this leads to poor patient flow and nosocomial transmission and rapid, accurate diagnostic tests are urgently required. The FebriDx is a point-of-care test that detects an antiviral host response protein in finger prick blood within 10 minutes, but its accuracy for the detection of COVID-19 is unknown. Objectives To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of FebriDx in hospitalised patients during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods Measures of diagnostic accuracy were calculated based on FebriDx results compared to the reference standard of PCR, and stratified by duration of symptoms. A multivariable predictive model was developed and underwent internal validation. Results FebriDx was performed on 251 patients and gave a valid result in 248. 118 of 248 (48%) were PCR positive for COVID-19. Sensitivity of FebriDx for the identification of COVID-19 was 93% (110/118; 95% CI 87 to 97%) and specificity was 86% (112/130; 95%CI 79 to 92%). Positive and negative likelihood ratios were 6.73 (95%CI 4.37 to 10.37) and 0.08 (95%CI 0.04 to 0.15) respectively. In the multivariate model diagnosis of COVID-19 was not significantly influenced by clinical symptoms and signs, and FebriDx accuracy was not improved by restricting testing to those with duration of symptoms of less than seven days. Conclusions During the first wave of the pandemic, FebriDx had high sensitivity for the identification of COVID-19 in hospitalised adults and could be deployed as a front door triage tool.
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