New York University 2014 Knowledge Base Population Systems

Proc. Text Analysis Conference (TAC2014)(2014)

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New York University (NYU) participated in three tracks of the 2014 TAC-KBP evaluation: English Slot Filling, Cold Start and Entity Discovery and Linking. While this year is the first time and second time we participated in entity discovery and linking (EDL) and cold start respectively, we have been working on the slot filling task for several years. With additional development time this year, our cold start system has borrowed more technologies from slot filling and gained significant improvement. In both slot filling and cold start systems, we find that besides incorporating new modules to expand the coverage, the systems greatly benefit from our effort to renovate some of the basic modules. Regarding entity discovery and linking, we develop a pipelined system with several components in which we introduce a variation of the PageRank algorithm to improve collaborative candidate ranking.
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