Statements issued by academic medical institutions after George Floyd's killing by police and subsequent unrest in the United States: cross-sectional study


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Background: The horrific nature of George Floyd's killing by a Minneapolis Police Department officer on May 25, 2020 has sparked more than a month of nationwide protests against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. At critical junctures of the nation's public health such as these, academic medical institutions may exert leadership by issuing public statements to communicate institutional values. Methods: We obtained statements issued by 56 leading U.S. medical schools relevant to George Floyd's killing and subsequent protests. We tokenized statements into words, n-grams of sizes 2 and 3, and sentences; removed non-informative stop words and words that would compromise de-identification; and stemmed the remaining words using the Porter algorithm. We followed a predefined set of rules for identifying important elements of these statements related to leadership in antiracism and public health. Results: Nearly all named George Floyd (50 [89%]), a majority noted the role of racism (43 [77%]) and acknowledged the Black community specifically (41 [73%]). Fewer -- slightly more than half -- referenced the act resulting in Floyd's death (31 [55%]) or made explicit reference to the police (29 [52%]). Only 7 (13%) explicitly used terms denoting active support, like "antiracism" or "Black Lives Matter." Most (45 [80%]) included references to negative sequelae resulting from racism like "disparities" or "inequality." All included hopeful language. Conclusion: Only a minority of institutions made reference to the killing of George Floyd by the police, and most failed to address this country's targeted, historically engrained, and sustained oppression of Black people through white supremacy. Thus, our study identifies significant opportunities for U.S. medical schools to exert meaningful leadership in health.
george floyds,academic medical institutions,subsequent unrest,police,killing,cross-sectional
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