Millennial attitudes on LGBT issues: Race, identity, and experience

Genforward Survey, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, June(2018)

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The GenForward Survey is the first of its kind—a nationally representative survey of over 1,750 young adults ages 18-34 conducted bimonthly that pays special attention to the ways race and ethnicity influence how young adults or Millennials experience and think about the world. Given the importance of race and ethnicity for shaping the diverse perspectives and lived experiences of young people, we believe researchers make a mistake when they present data on young adults in a manner that assumes a monolithic Millennial generation and young adult vote.Millennials now represent the largest generation of Americans, and they are by far the most racially and ethnically diverse generation 1 in the country. About 21% of Millennials identify as Latinx, Latina/o or Hispanic, 14% as Black or African American, 7% as Asian American, and 56% as white. They also comprise the largest share of the workforce and eligible voters. Thus, to fully understand how young adults think about politics and public policy we apply an intersectional lens and pay attention to identity characteristics such as race and ethnicity.
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