Learning to Dehaze From Realistic Scene with A Fast Physics Based Dehazing Network

arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.08554(2020)

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Dehaze is one of the popular computer vision research topics for long. A realtime method with reliable performance is highly desired for a lot of applications such as autonomous driving. In recent years, while learning based methods require datasets containing pairs of hazy images and clean ground truth references, it is generally impossible to capture this kind of data in real. Many existing researches compromise this difficulty to generate hazy images by rendering the haze from depth on common RGBD datasets using the haze imaging model. However, there is still a gap between the synthetic datasets and real hazy images as large datasets with high quality depth are mostly indoor and depth maps for outdoor are imprecise. In this paper, we complement the exiting datasets with a new, large, and diverse dehazing dataset containing real outdoor scenes from HD 3D videos. We select large number of high quality frames of real outdoor scenes and render haze on them using depth from stereo. Our dataset is more realistic than existing ones and we demonstrate that using this dataset greatly improves the dehazing performance on real scenes. In addition to the dataset, inspired by the physics model, we also propose a light and reliable dehaze network. Our approach outperforms other methods by a large margin and becomes the new state-of-the-art method. Moreover, the light design of the network enables our methods to run at realtime speed that is much faster than other methods.
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