Out-of-Register Parallel β-Sheets and Antiparallel β-Sheets Coexist in 150-kDa Oligomers Formed by Amyloid-β(1-42).

Journal of molecular biology(2020)

引用 26|浏览32
We present solid-state NMR measurements of β-strand secondary structure and inter-strand organization within a 150-kDa oligomeric aggregate of the 42-residue variant of the Alzheimer's amyloid-β peptide (Aβ(1-42)). We build upon our previous report of a β-strand spanned by residues 30-42, which arranges into an antiparallel β-sheet. New results presented here indicate that there is a second β-strand formed by residues 11-24. Contrary to expectations, NMR data indicate that this second β-strand is organized into a parallel β-sheet despite the co-existence of an antiparallel β-sheet in the same structure. In addition, the in-register parallel β-sheet commonly observed for amyloid fibril structure does not apply to residues 11-24 in the 150-kDa oligomer. Rather, we present evidence for an inter-strand registry shift of three residues that likely alternate in direction between adjacent molecules along the β-sheet. We corroborated this unexpected scheme for β-strand organization using multiple two-dimensional NMR and 13C-13C dipolar recoupling experiments. Our findings indicate a previously unknown assembly pathway and inspire a suggestion as to why this aggregate does not grow to larger sizes.
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