I'm afraid!Children's Experiences of Being Anesthetized.


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Introduction Children experience anesthetization as stressful, and many preoperative measures have been tested for reducing their anxiety. There is, however, little research about children's own experiences and thoughts about being anesthetized. Aims The aim of the present study was thus to explain and understand the meaning of being anesthetized as experienced by children. Methods A qualitative lifeworld hermeneutic approach was used. Data were collected through nonparticipant video observations, field notes, and interviews. The participants were children (n = 28) aged 4-13 years who required general elective minor surgery performed in four Swedish hospitals. Results The four interpreted themes describe the children's experiences of being anesthetized: Being powerless, Striving for control, Experiencing an ambiguous comprehensibility, and Seeking security. The children struggled with anxiety as a result of their inability to protect themselves from perceived external threats while being anesthetized. In order to meet their needs, it would be beneficial for them to receive appropriate information in a calm, supportive, and protective environment. Conclusion The reasons for children experiencing anxiety when being anesthetized are multifaceted, and this study highlights the importance of listening to each child's own voice and striving to create an individually adapted caring and safe environment with as much protection as possible.
anesthesia,anxiety,child,experiences,lifeworld hermeneutic
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