Psychosomatic Phenomenon According to the Stages of Development

Daniela Ponciano,Ellen F. Klinger, Fernanda B. Chiacchio, Daniely S. Prado,Davi A. Barros, Warly N. Araujo, Maria Aparecida R. Arruda,Gianfrancesco Gurgel

International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal(2020)

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The psychosomatic term, report to the item of psychological origin of certain organic diseases, affective repercussions of the state of physical disease on the individual and studies of mind-body relationships with emphasis on the explanation of somatic pathology. The term can also be understood, as an ideology about health, falling ill and about health practices, is a field of research on these facts and, at the same time, practice. Thus, the objective of this work is to discuss, from a literature review, the psychosomatic manifestations that occur in the development phases in the context of the psychology area. The study is methodologically based on the literature review. For this work, the bibliographic search of articles indexed to the VHL Portal (Virtual Library in Saude) and in the Web of Science was carried out. The disease is often an escape from a conflict situation or appears due to the need for attention and affection, need to be cared for. The psychosomatic approach decreases treatment time, avoids unnecessary complementary tests and abbreviates the patient's suffering.
psychosomatic phenomenon,stages,development
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