[Introduction of pertussis vaccination during pregnancy].

Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde(2020)

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Pertussis is an endemic disease in the Netherlands. In order to protect infants under 6 months of age, women can be vaccinated during pregnancy with a DTaP(-IPV) booster vaccine. After this so-called maternal vaccination, pertussis antibodies are passed through the placenta to the unborn child, who will be protected after birth. The vaccine is offered as a part of the national vaccination programme (Rijksvaccinatieprogramma, RVP) since 16 December 2019. Children of maternally vaccinated women will follow a different vaccination schedule, namely the 3-5-11-months schedule. This schedule change applies to the DTaP-IPV-HiB-HepB combination vaccine and the 10-valent pneumococcal (PCV10) vaccine. High-risk groups and children of unvaccinated mothers will follow the 2-3-5-11 months schedule. Maternal vaccination is offered from 22 weeks of gestation in the Netherlands. This timing is logistically feasible. We have seen that women already got themselves actively vaccinated during pregnancy before the inclusion of the vaccine in the RVP.
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