Eyes on URLs: Relating Visual Behavior to Safety Decisions

ETRA '20: 2020 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications Stuttgart Germany June, 2020(2020)

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Individual and organizational computer security rests on how people interpret and use the security information they are presented. One challenge is determining whether a given URL is safe or not. This paper explores the visual behaviors that users employ to gauge URL safety. We conducted a user study on 20 participants wherein participants classified URLs as safe or unsafe while wearing an eye tracker that recorded eye gaze (where they look) and pupil dilation (a proxy for cognitive effort). Among other things, our findings suggest that: users have a cap on the amount of cognitive resources they are willing to expend on vetting a URL; they tend to believe that the presence of www in the domain name indicates that the URL is safe; and they do not carefully parse the URL beyond what they perceive as the domain name.
usable security, phishing, user study, eye tracking, cognitive psychology, reading
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