Using the Woodcock-Johnson IV tests of cognitive abilities to detect feigned ADHD


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Research has suggested that many young adults can successfully feign ADHD, reporting clinically significant symptom levels and displaying deficits on cognitive tasks when asked to do so. Standalone performance validity tests (PVTs) have shown some success in identifying feigned ADHD, but these tests are rarely used in typical ADHD evaluation batteries. The present study attempted to develop embedded PVT indices from the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV). College students (N = 150) completed a battery including tasks from the WJ-IV, as well as an established standalone PVT and a rating scale measuring ADHD and related symptoms. Thirty of the students had been professionally diagnosed with ADHD; of the remaining 120 students, half were asked to perform honestly and to the best of their ability on the battery, whereas the other half were asked to try to simulate ADHD. Several processing speed and working memory scores from the WJ-IV effectively identified students feigning ADHD, detecting at least 50% of those students at score cutoffs that also maintained specificity of 90% or more, close to the efficiency of the standalone PVT. In addition, students with ADHD diagnoses generally did not show deficits on the WJ-IV. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.
ADHD, performance validity, WJ-IV
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