Mitochondrial morphology and function: two for the price of one!


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Mitochondrial shape and function are known to be linked; therefore, there is a need to combine three-dimensional EM structural analysis with functional analysis. Cytochrome c oxidase labelling is one approach to examine mitochondrial function at the EM level. However, previous efforts to apply this method have had several issues including inconsistent results, disruption to mitochondrial ultrastructure, and a lack of optimisation for volume EM methods. We have used short fixation and microwave processing to address these issues. We show that our method gives consistent cytochrome c oxidase labelling and improves labelling penetration across tissue volume. We also quantify mitochondrial morphology metrics, including in volume EM, to show that ultrastructure is unaltered by the processing. This work represents a technical advance that allows the correlation of mitochondrial function and morphology with greater resolution and volume than has previously been feasible. Lay summary Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a high-resolution technique used for the study of cells and their components, such as mitochondria. However, the two-dimensional nature of TEM means that quantification of these structures is difficult without making assumptions about their shape; a problem that was solved by the advent of three-dimensional EM approaches. Mitochondrial shape and function are known to be linked therefore there is a need to combine three-dimensional EM structural analysis with functional analysis. To do this we used electron microscopy to visualise a reaction that assesses the activity of cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The reaction deposits a dark staining on mitochondrial cristae where cytochrome c oxidase is functioning and a lack of staining where it is not. We first optimised this technique for TEM, showing that the tissue was evenly stained and exhibited no effect on mitochondrial shape when compared to conventionally processed tissue. We then demonstrated that this was also true of a sample processed for three-dimensional EM imaging. This work presents an advance in three-dimensional EM imaging that allows us to look at both mitochondrial function and shape and to detect subtle changes in shape.
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