k <, italic >-ary < italic xmlns:ali="http:, www, niso, org, schemas, ali, 1, 0, " xmlns:mml="http:, www, w3, org, 1998, Math, MathML" xmlns:xlink="http:, www, w3, org, 1999, xlink" xmlns:xsi="http:, www, w3, org, 2001, XMLSchema-instance"> n <, italic >-cubes, paths, cycles"/>

Structure Connectivity And Substructure Connectivity Of < Inline-Formula > < Tex-Math Notation="Latex">$K$ -Ary < Inline-Formula > < Tex-Math Notation="Latex">$N$ -Cube Networks


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We present new results on the fault tolerability of $k$ -ary $n$ -cube (denoted $Q_{n}<^>{k}$ ) networks. $Q_{n}<^>{k}$ is a topological model for interconnection networks that has been extensively studied since proposed, and this paper is concerned with the structure/substructure connectivity of $Q_{n}<^>{k}$ networks, for paths and cycles, two basic yet important network structures. Let $G$ be a connected graph and $T$ a connected subgraph of $G$ . The $T$ -structure connectivity $\kappa (G; T)$ of $G$ is the cardinality of a minimum set of subgraphs in $G$ , such that each subgraph is isomorphic to $T$ , and the sets removal disconnects $G$ . The $T$ -substructure connectivity $\kappa <^>{s}(G; T)$ of $G$ is the cardinality of a minimum set of subgraphs in $G$ , such that each subgraph is isomorphic to a connected subgraph of $T$ , and the sets removal disconnects $G$ . In this paper, we study $\kappa (Q_{n}<^>{k}; T)$ and $\kappa <^>{s}(Q_{n}<^>{k}; T)$ for $T=P_{i}$ , a path on $i$ nodes (resp. $T=C_{i}$ , a cycle on $i$ nodes). Lv et al. determined $\kappa (Q_{n}<^>{k}; T)$ and $\kappa <^>{s}(Q_{n}<^>{k}; T)$ for $T\in \{P_{1},P_{2},P_{3}\}$ .Our results generalize the preceding results by determining $\kappa (Q_{n}<^>{k}; P_{i})$ and $\kappa <^>{s}(Q_{n}<^>{k}; P_{i})$ . In addition, we have also established $\kappa (Q_{n}<^>{k}; C_{i})$ and $\kappa <^>{s}(Q_{n}<^>{k}; C_{i})$ .
Artificial neural networks, Fault tolerance, Fault tolerant systems, Hypercubes, Licenses, Computer science, Interconnection networks, structure connectivity, substructure connectivity, < italic xmlns:ali="http:, www, niso, org, schemas, ali, 1, 0, " xmlns:mml="http:, www, w3, org, 1998, Math, MathML" xmlns:xlink="http:, www, w3, org, 1999, xlink" xmlns:xsi="http:, www, w3, org, 2001, XMLSchema-instance"> k <, italic >-ary < italic xmlns:ali="http:, www, niso, org, schemas, ali, 1, 0, " xmlns:mml="http:, www, w3, org, 1998, Math, MathML" xmlns:xlink="http:, www, w3, org, 1999, xlink" xmlns:xsi="http:, www, w3, org, 2001, XMLSchema-instance"> n <, italic >-cubes, paths, cycles
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