An Intelligent Interface for Automatic Grading of Sketched Free Body Diagrams

IUI '20: 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Cagliari Italy March, 2020(2020)

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Sketching free body diagrams is an important skill that students learn in introductory physics and engineering classes; however, university class sizes are growing and often have hundreds of students in a single class. This creates a grading challenge for instructors as there is simply not enough time nor resources to provide adequate feedback on every problem. We have developed an intelligent user interface called Mechanix to provide automated, real-time feedback on hand-drawn free body diagrams for students. The system is driven by novel sketch recognition algorithms developed for recognizing and comparing trusses, general shapes, and arrows in diagrams. We have also discovered trends in how the students utilize extra submissions for learning through deployment to five universities with 350 students completing homework on the system over the 2018 and 2019 school year. A study with 57 students showed the system allowed for homework scores similar to other homework mediums while requiring and automatically grading the free body diagrams in addition to answers.
sketch recognition, engineering education, intelligent tutoring system
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