3 m$\times$3 m heterolithic passive resonant gyroscope with cavity length stabilization


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Large-scale high sensitivity laser gyroscopes have important applications for ground-based and space-based gravitational wave detection. We report on the development of a 3 m$\times$3 m heterolithic passive resonant gyroscope (HUST-1) which is installed on the ground of a cave laboratory. We operate the HUST-1 on different longitudinal cavity modes and the rotation sensitivity reaches $1.6\times10^{-9}$ rad/s/$\rm \sqrt{Hz}$ beyond 1 Hz. The drift of the cavity length is one of the major sensitivity limits for our gyroscope in the low frequency regime. By locking cavity length to an ultra-stable reference laser, we achieve a fractional cavity length stability of $5.6\times10^{-9}$ m$/\rm \sqrt{Hz}$ at 0.1 mHz, a four orders of magnitude improvement over the unconstrained cavity in the low frequency regime. We stabilize the cavity length of a large-scale heterolithic passive resonant gyroscope through active feedback and realize long-term operation. The rotation sensitivity reaches $1.7\times10^{-7}$ rad/s/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ at 0.1 mHz, a three orders of magnitude improvement, which is no longer limited by the cavity length drift in this frequency range.
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