An Exponential Dynamic Weighted Fair Queuing Algorithm for Task Scheduling in Chip Verification Platform

2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON)(2019)

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Chip verification platform based on Internet or combined with cloud computing makes chip verification and test more flexible, cost-effective, and efficient. The task scheduling algorithm of the platform significantly determines its performance in handling the test tasks. This paper proposes an exponential dynamic weighted fair queuing(EDWFQ) algorithm for task scheduling in chip verification platform. The proposed algorithm makes the completion time of users be close to the result of SJF which is the best algorithm in minimizing the completion time. The proposed algorithm also solves the problem of starvation of SJF. The result demonstrates that EDWFQ scheduling algorithm has a lower user's Average Completion Time than FCFS, RR, RRSJF algorithm and has the capacity to solve the problem of starvation as FCFS, RR, RRSJF algorithm does. And the EDWFQ scheduling algorithm is successfully applied to the BR0101 chip verification platform.
chip veritication,FPGA test,task scheduling
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