Tangible Interfaces and Interactions in Sci-Fi Movies - A Glimpse at the Possible Future of TUIs through Fictional Tangible Systems.

TEI '20: Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction Sydney NSW Australia February, 2020(2020)

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Science-Fiction (Sci-Fi) movies have long been a frontier in showcasing futuristic computer interfaces and their associated interactions. Unconstrained by technological limitations, they are free to depict the most imaginative systems, including augmenting objects attributes that are not yet possible in reality. We present a case study on Sci-Fi movies where tangible objects are part of these systems, and examine how they illustrate Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) concepts. We provide three examples of tangible systems and one that deviates considerably (holographic system), and analyze them using a well-established interaction model (MCRpd). We found that TUIs in movies exhibit various levels of the model's characteristics and demonstrate an inclusive and diverse context through combining interaction modalities and catering to audience needs. We argue that these aspects provide valuable lessons and implications in designing future TUIs and hope to broaden the design space by initiating discussions on the fascinating worlds in Sci-Fi movies.
Tangible systems,Sci-Fi movies,speculative interfaces,futuristic interfaces,interface and interaction design,case study
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