Evaluation of Pb concentrations in selected vegetables and portable drinking water, and intelligent quotients of school children in Ishiagu—a Pb mining community: health risk assessment using predictive modelling

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment(2020)

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This study evaluates the concentrations of lead (Pb) in 6 selected vegetables and drinking water samples taken from an agricultural/mining town Ishiagu. This evaluation is important because these vegetables and water are major gateway of lead exposure through ingestion, especially children in the Pb mining environment. Pb at even very low concentrations has been shown to have adverse effect on developing brain and hence children’s intellectual ability. The impact of lead-contaminated food/water intake on the cognitive function was focused on school children whose parents have lived in the Pb mining town for over 25 years before they were born. Non-invasive, “target risk quotient” (TRQ) methodology, based on the principle of predictive toxicology was adopted for our analysis. Samples of these vegetables harvested in July and August 2015, and water taken from homes at 4 different villages in Ishiagu town and neighbouring community Akaeze (control), were subjected to appropriate chemical treatment/digestion procedures and the concentrations of Pb determined using AA-700 Shimadzu model atomic absorption spectrophotometer. From 642 structured questionnaire administered to the teachers/children, the daily vegetable ingestion rates for each vegetable (mg/child/day) and estimated daily intakes (EDI) of lead were obtained. The results show that the concentrations of Pb in water samples and the 6 vegetables harvested from the lead mining town vary as distances increase from the mining sites while the total target hazard quotients (TTHQs) for the vegetable crops were greater than one (˃ 1). The cognitive functions of 160 school children (aged 6–8 years), sampled from 265 families based on their meeting the criteria for distances away from the mining site, were evaluated using Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and psychometrics. The data generated were analysed using (SPSS) version 21.0 and results expressed as mean ± standard deviation of intelligent quotient (IQ). Students’ t tests for independent samples were used to compare the IQ results for children in the lead mining area and non-mining area. A model based on predictive toxicology paradigm which can show a relationship between concentrations of lead in vegetables/water and cognitive function was developed. This model shows that there is a positive correlation between total lead concentrations in vegetables/water and children’s cognitive function.
Children, Lead, Water, Vegetables, Cognitive function, Modelling
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