Hidden Community Detection on Two-Layer Stochastic Models: A Theoretical Perspective


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Hidden community is a new graph-theoretical concept recently proposed by [3], in which the authors also propose a meta-approach called HICODE (Hidden Community Detection) for detecting hidden communities. HICODE is demonstrated through experiments that it is able to uncover previously overshadowed weak layers and uncover both weak and strong layers at a higher accuracy. However, the authors provide no theoretical guarantee for the performance. In this work, we focus on theoretical analysis of HICODE on synthetic two-layer networks, where layers are independent to each other and each layer is generated by stochastic block model. We bridge their gap through two-layer stochastic block model networks in the following aspects: 1) we show that partitions that locally optimize modularity correspond to grounded layers, indicating modularity-optimizing algorithms can detect strong layers; 2) we prove that when reducing found layers, HICODE increases absolute modularities of all unreduced layers, showing its layer reduction step makes weak layers more detectable. Our work builds a solid theoretical base for HICODE, demonstrating that it is promising in uncovering both weak and strong layers of communities in two-layer networks.
hidden community detection,two-layer
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