Graph Fourier Transform: A Stable Approximation


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In graph signal processing (GSP), data dependencies are represented by a graph whose nodes label the data and the edges capture dependencies among nodes. The graph is represented by a weighted adjacency matrix A that, in GSP, generalizes the Discrete Signal Processing (DSP) shift operator z(-1). The (right) eigenvectors of the shift A (graph spectral components) diagonalize A and lead to a graph Fourier basis F that provides a graph spectral representation of the graph signal. The inverse of the (matrix of the) graph Fourier basis F is the Graph Fourier transform (GFT), F-1. Often, including in real world examples, this diagonalization is numerically unstable. This paper develops an approach to compute an accurate approximation to F and F-1, while insuring their numerical stability, by means of solving a non convex optimization problem. To address the non-convexity, we propose an algorithm, the stable graph Fourier basis algorithm (SGFA) that improves exponentially the accuracy of the approximating F per iteration. Likewise, we can apply SGFA to A(H) and, hence, approximate the stable left eigenvectors for the graph shift A and directly compute the GFT. We evaluate empirically the quality of SGFA by applying it to graph shifts A drawn from two real world problems, the 2004 US political blogs graph and the Manhattan road map, carrying out a comprehensive study on tradeoffs between different SGFA parameters. We also confirm our conclusions by applying SGFA on very sparse and very dense directed Erdos-Renyi graphs.
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, Blogs, Roads, Matlab, Fourier transforms, Signal processing, Numerical stability, Graph signal processing, graph Fourier basis, graph Fourier transform, eigendecomposition, numerical stability, Manhattan road map, political blogs
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