Increased intracellular survival of Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 in HIV-1-infected primary human macrophages is not associated with Salmonella hijacking the HIV compartment.

G Lê-Bury, C Deschamps, C Kizilyaprak, W Blanchard, J Daraspe, A Dumas, M A Gordon,J C D Hinton, B M Humbel,F Niedergang


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Background Non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) causes a severe invasive syndrome (iNTS disease) described in HIV-positive adults. The impact of HIV-1 on Salmonella pathogenesis and the molecular basis for the differences between these bacteria and classical diarrhoeal S. Typhimurium remains unclear. Results Here, we show that iNTS-associated S. Typhimurium Sequence Type 313 (ST313) bacteria show greater intracellular survival in primary human macrophages, compared with a 'classical' diarrhoeal S. Typhimurium ST19 isolate. The increased intracellular survival phenotype of ST313 is more pronounced in HIV-infected macrophages. We explored the possibility that the bacteria take advantage of the HIV-associated viral-containing compartments created in human macrophages that have low pH. Confocal fluorescence microscopy and focussed ion beam-scanning electron microscopy tomography showed that Salmonella did not co-localise extensively with HIV-positive compartments. Conclusion The capacity of ST313 bacteria to survive better than ST19 bacteria within primary human macrophages is enhanced in cells pre-infected with HIV-1. Our results indicate that the ST313 bacteria do not directly benefit from the niche created by the virus in HIV-1-infected macrophages, and that they might take advantage from a more globally modified host cell. Significance A better understanding of the interplay between HIV-1 and Salmonella is important not only for these bacteria but also for other opportunistic pathogens.
FIB-SEM,HIV-1,invasive Salmonella enterica Typhimurium ST313,macrophages
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