Improving strategic decision making by the detection of weak signals in heterogeneous documents by text mining techniques.


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At present, one of the greatest threats to companies is not being able to cope with the constant changes that occur in the market because they do not predict them well in advance. Therefore, the development of new processes that facilitate the detection of significant phenomena and future changes is a key component for correct decision making that sets a correct course in the company. For this reason, a business intelligence architecture system is hereby proposed to allow the detection of discrete changes or weak signals in the present, indicative of more significant phenomena and transcendental changes in the future. In contrast to work currently available focusing on structured information sources, or at most with a single type of data source, the detection of these signals is here quantitatively based on heterogeneous and unstructured documents of various kinds (scientific journals, newspaper articles and social networks), to which text mining and natural language processing techniques (a multi-word expression analysis) are applied. The system has been tested to study the future of the artificial intelligence sector, obtaining promising results to help business experts in the recognition of new driving factors of their markets and the development of new opportunities.
Weak signal of the future,strategic decision making,text mining,business intelligence architecture,unstructured information
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