Machine Learning for Phone-Based Relationship Estimation: The Need to Consider Population Heterogeneity

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies(2019)

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Estimating the category and quality of interpersonal relationships from ubiquitous phone sensor data matters for studying mental well-being and social support. Prior work focused on using communication volume to estimate broad relationship categories, often with small samples. Here we contextualize communications by combining phone logs with demographic and location data to predict interpersonal relationship roles on a varied sample population using automated machine learning methods, producing better performance (F1 = 0.68) than using communication features alone (F1 = 0.62). We also explore the effect of age variation in the underlying training sample on interpersonal relationship prediction and find that models trained on younger subgroups, which is popular in the field via student participation and recruitment, generalize poorly to the wider population. Our results not only illustrate the value of using data across demographics, communication patterns and semantic locations for relationship prediction, but also underscore the importance of considering population heterogeneity in phone-based personal sensing studies.
automated machine learning,population heterogeneity,semantic location-based features,social relationship prediction
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