GAT: A Unified GPU-Accelerated Framework for Processing Batch Trajectory Queries

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(2020)

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The increasing amount of trajectory data facilitates a wide spectrum of practical applications in which large numbers of trajectory range and similarity queries are issued continuously. This calls for high-throughput trajectory query processing. Traditional in-memory databases lack considerations of the unique features of trajectories, while specialized trajectory query processing systems are typically designed for only one type of trajectory queries. This paper introduces GAT, a unified GPU-accelerated framework to process batch trajectory queries with the objective of high throughput. GAT follows the filtering-and-verification paradigm where we develop a novel index GTIDX for effectively filtering invalid trajectories on the CPU, and exploit the massive parallelism of the GPU for verification. To optimize the performance of GAT, we first greedily partition batch queries to reduce the amortized query processing latency. We then apply the Morton-based encoding method to coalesce data access requests from the GPU cores, and maintain a hash table to avoid redundant data transfer between CPU and GPU. To achieve load balance, we group size-varying cells into balanced blocks with similar numbers of trajectory points. Extensive experiments have been conducted over real-life trajectory datasets. The results show that GAT is efficient, scalable, and achieves high throughput with acceptable indexing cost.
Trajectory,Graphics processing units,Query processing,Indexes,Throughput,Public transportation,Instruction sets
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