Non-Linear Is Not Superior To Linear Aerobic Training Periodization In Coronary Heart Disease Patients


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Background We aimed to compare: (1) two different periodized aerobic training protocols (linear (LP) versus non-linear (NLP)) on the cardiopulmonary exercise response in patients with coronary heart disease; (2) the proportion of responders between both training protocols. Design A randomized controlled trial. Methods A total of 39 coronary heart disease patients completed either LP (n = 20, 65 +/- 10 years) or NLP (n = 19, 66 +/- 5 years). All patients completed a cardiopulmonary exercise testing with gas exchange measurements. Patients underwent a 12-week supervised exercise program including an isoenergetic aerobic periodized training and a similar resistance training program, 3 times/week. Weekly energy expenditure was constantly increased in the LP group for the aerobic training, while it was deeply increased and intercepted with a recovery week each fourth week in the NLP group. Peak oxygen uptake (peak V?O-2), oxygen uptake efficiency slope, ventilatory efficiency slope (V?E/V?CO2 slope), V?O-2 at the first (VT1) and second (VT2) ventilatory thresholds, and oxygen pulse (O-2 pulse) were measured. Responders were determined according the median value of the Delta peak V?O-2 (mL.min(-1).kg(-1)). Results We found similar improvement for peak V?O-2 (LP: +8.1%, NLP: +5.3%, interaction: p = 0.37; time: p < 0.001) and for oxygen uptake efficiency slope, VT1, VT2 and O-2 pulse in both groups (interaction: p > 0.05; time: p < 0.05) with a greater effect size in the LP group. The proportion of non-, low and high responders was similar between groups (p = 0.29). Conclusion In contrast to the athletes, more variation (NLP) does not seem necessary for greater cardiopulmonary adaptations in coronary heart disease patients.
Aerobic training, linear and non-linear periodization, cardiorespiratory fitness, training response, coronary heart disease
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