A cloud compatible DNA coded security solution for multimedia file sharing & storage

Multimedia Tools and Applications(2019)

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The faster proliferation of software-defined cloud environments across the world for efficiently hosting enterprise-grade applications has led many organisations to embrace the cloud paradigm in a significant way. The cloud storage opportunities and possibilities are consistently expanding, wherein multimedia storage occupies the entire stage in the cloud. An essential emphasis on security owing to the nature of multiuser access to cloud credentials in many situations is necessary. The security and safety of data, while in transit, in rest, and while being used by applications, have to be guaranteed through proven technology solutions. Typically, image encryption is the standard way of securing and safeguarding images. The proposed three-layer image encryption scheme uses DNA coding along with chaotic logistic and tent maps for confusion and diffusion operations. Upon verification of user credentials, the storage of encrypted image is accomplished in Amazon S3 web services. The strength of encryption has been evaluated based on the parameters namely brute force attack, statistical, encryption quality, occlusion attack and computational complexity analyses which have proved the suitability of proposed scheme to secure cloud storage of images.
DNA coding,Chaotic maps,Image encryption,Cloud computing
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