Efficient Large-scale Sarcomere Tracking (sarctrack) to Assess HCM Variants in iPSC-CMs

Circulation Research(2019)

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Variants that drive HCM and associated adverse patient outcomes are found in the cardiac sarcomere. These variants range from those that are known to be pathogenic to those that are likely pathogenic or even variants of unknown significance (VUS). CRISPR/Cas-9 engineering has accelerated our ability to generate variants in iPSC to probe changes in cellular function and assess cellular pathogenicity in VUSs. However, iPSC-CMs are not as functionally mature as adult cardiomyocytes. For this reason we have developed a platform to assess contractile function directly at the level of the sarcomere. We use a custom built MatLab algorithm to assess sarcomere length, contraction time, relaxation time, and beat rate of individual sarcomeres within iPSC-CMs. Sarcomeres are visualised using reporter lines that have been engineered with an N-terminal TTN-GFP. We assess the contractile function of thick filament variants in MYH7 and MYBPC3. We show the ability to detect changes in key contractile parameters. This platform allows the screening of pharmacological compounds against these reporter lines with engineered variants.
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