Discourse-Aware Neural Extractive Model for Text Summarization


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Recently BERT has been adopted in state-of-the-art text summarization models for document encoding. However, such BERT-based extractive models use the sentence as the minimal selection unit, which often results in redundant or uninformative phrases in the generated summaries. As BERT is pre-trained on sentence pairs, not documents, the long-range dependencies between sentences are not well captured. To address these issues, we present a graph-based discourse-aware neural summarization model - DiscoBert. By utilizing discourse segmentation to extract discourse units (instead of sentences) as candidates, DiscoBert provides a fine-grained granularity for extractive selection, which helps reduce redundancy in extracted summaries. Based on this, two discourse graphs are further proposed: ($i$) RST Graph based on RST discourse trees; and ($ii$) Coreference Graph based on coreference mentions in the document. DiscoBert first encodes the extracted discourse units with BERT, and then uses a graph convolutional network to capture the long-range dependencies among discourse units through the constructed graphs. Experimental results on two popular summarization datasets demonstrate that DiscoBert outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin.
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