Measurements of temporally- and spatially-resolved neutron production in a sheared-flow stabilized Z-pinch

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2019)

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A novel approach using multiple scintillator detectors is applied to measure temporally- and spatially-resolved neutron production in the Fusion Z-pinch Experiment (FuZE) device, a Sheared-Flow Stabilized (SFS) Z-pinch. Diagnosing neutron production from FuZE is important for determining if fusion is thermonuclear and whether the FuZE device can be scaled toward reactor conditions. Absolute yields of up to 2 × 105 neutrons per discharge are measured with calibrated plastic scintillator detectors operating in pulse-counting mode. Neutron emission durations of up to ∼ 8μs are inferred by recording the time difference between the first and last pulses for each discharge. Multiple scintillator detectors located at different positions with respect to the fusing plasma are used to demonstrate that the axial extent of the neutron producing region is comparable to the device volume. Scintillator detectors are well-suited as neutron diagnostics for FuZE and other plasma devices with similar yields and emission durations. Increasing the neutron yield, duration, and volume of the neutron emitting region within the plasma column are significant experimental objectives for FuZE.
Neutron,Scintillator detector,Fusion,Z-pinch,Plasma physics
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