Instrument Designs for Validating Cross-Language Behavioral Differences

Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL HCC(2019)

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Programmers are expected to use multiple programming languages frequently. Studies have found that programmers try to reuse existing knowledge from their previous languages. However, this strategy can result in misconceptions from previous languages. Current learning resources that support the strategy are limited because there is no systematic way to produce or validate the material. We designed three instruments that can help identify and validate meaningful behavior differences between two languages to pinpoint potential misconceptions. To validate the instruments, we examined how Python programmers predict behavior in a less familiar language like R, and whether they expect various R semantics. We found that the instruments are effective in validating differences between Python and R which were linked to misconceptions. We discuss design trade-offs between the three instruments and provide guidelines for researchers and educators in systematically validating programming misconceptions when switching to a new language.
instrument designs,programming languages,Python programmers,programming misconceptions,cross-language behavioral differences
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