Single Image Numerical Iterative Dehazing Method Based On Local Physical Features

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(2020)

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To address the hazy image degradation problem, we introduce a single image numerical iterative dehazing method based on local physical features. The method involves three components: region division based on haze density, local atmospheric light estimation and transmission map estimation, and recovery of hazy image scene radiance by using an iterative algorithm. Because of the nonuniform haze density within an image, we first employ the affinity propagation (AP) clustering algorithm to divide a hazy image into different haze density regions. Second, to reflect the difference in atmospheric light among regions and avoid the generation of halo artifacts in recovered images, we estimate the local atmospheric light in each region to replace the global atmospheric light and then estimate the transmission via a dark channel prior. Finally, an iterative dehazing algorithm, which can be used to not only further optimize local atmospheric light and transmission but also remove haze completely, is developed based on a physical model. Experimental results illustrate that our method can effectively improve the quality of a foggy image without sacrificing color fidelity and can retain image details sufficiently.
Atmospheric modeling,Image restoration,Image color analysis,Estimation,Channel estimation,Iterative algorithms,Single image,numerical iterative dehazing,region division,local physical features
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