Lifetime of the recently identified 10+ isomeric state at 3279 keV in the Nd136 nucleus


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Background: The gamma softness of Nd-136 makes it possible to study the shape changes induced by two-proton or two-neutron excitation. Purpose: We measure the lifetimes of two-quasiparticle states of the bands based on the 10(+) states at 3296 and 3279 keV to investigate the shape change induced by the alignment of two protons or two neutrons in the h(11/2) orbital. Methods: The recoil-distance Doppler shift method was used for the study of Nd-136 studies, which was formed by the fusion reaction Sn-120(Ne-20, 4n)Nd-136, at E-beam = 85 MeV. Calculations were performed within the microscopic-macroscopic approach, based on the deformed Woods-Saxon single-particle potential and the Yukawa-plus-exponential macroscopic energy. Results: The lifetime of the 10(+) state at 3279 keV of Nd-136 was measured to be T-1/2(10)+ = 1.63(9) ns. The lifetimes of the 2(+) state at 374 keV and of the 12(+) state at 3686 keV of the ground band were also measured to be T-1/2(2+) = 26.5(14) ps and T-1/2(12+) = 22.5(14) ps. Conclusions: The measured lifetime of 10(+) the state at 3279 keV together with other observables confirm the structure change in Nd-136. A rather small reduced hindrance of the electromagnetic decay of the 10(+) state at 3279 keV would be consistent with its K-mixed character.
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