Consciousness as an Archivist. On the Way to Psychomatics: the Discipline that Discovers New Intellectual and Spiritual Functions

Voprosy Filosofii(2019)

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The article presents a concept of consciousness, which is the development of both classical approaches to the consciousness of European philosophers (German classical philosophy, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, etc.), as well as the Buddhist understanding of consciousness. The author proposes to consider the thought (a unit of consciousness) as a thing of consciousness. The thought itself is presented as a unity of heterogeneous entities: spiritual-emotional state and attitude-orientation. The idea of a layered structure of the organization of consciousness is introduced; this structure contains four layers: a semiotic-semantic layer, a mirror-reflecting layer, a continual-dynamic (procedural) one and a layer-unity of opposing movements. Four levels of the organization of consciousness are considered: the level at which things of consciousness exist; the level of attained deliberate absence of thought; the level of interaction (including struggle) with the dominant forms of consciousness-understanding; and the level of consciousness of a civilization community (a superethnos) and of self-consciousness of such a community. A new understanding of consciousness is necessary for the formation of mass practices of anthropological development as one of the key factors in changing the overall vector of social development.
consciousness,things of consciousness,levels of consciousness,layers of consciousness organization,psycho-spiritual functions,psychomatics
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